How I strengthened my trust in my mind’s ability to heal!

In the game of life, you have to be present to win!

1. Since birth, my coughs, colds, flus, bumps, and scratches were all healed.

Healed without me doing anything…for the most part

Today my assignment from Avi sounded odd.
I felt clueless about the ‘how.’

My Task: Strengthening my trust in my mind’s ability to heal my body.

I know that the mind-brain is the body’s finest pharmacist.
Dispensing every conceivable potion, enzyme, neurotransmitter and more.

How do I strengthen my trust in this fully automated healing force?
How do I increase my trust that the sun will rise tomorrow?

Should I add in one more supplement or herb?
What has the greatest influence on the functioning and efficiency of my mind and brain?Oh, yes.
I do.

2. First ingredient: worthiness.

It is the antidote to worthlessness – and its offspring: guilt, shame, fear, doubt and all their cousins.

Fears and Lies
Defining fear as an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real would mean that the real problem are the lies that I tell myself.

Worthlessness is a Lie
Fear is the world’s greatest false narrative.
But why lies are true and how can I dismantle false narratives?

The answer required me to learn how to tell a lie.

The reason you cannot argue with a lie is because lies are always true.
The problem is that lies are not completely true.
When you buy a lottery ticket, you could win the lottery, that is true.
However, it is not completely true.

To tell a lie, you either exaggerate a few parts or delete a few parts.
The rest of the lie is true.
Therefore, a lie is true, but not completely true.

Sidebar: Are diagnostic studies true?
Diagnostic studies are snapshots in time of a singular moment of my physiology.
Every metabolic activity inside me is in constant motion, constant flow, like a wave on the ocean. Will the laboratory snapshot show the top of the wave, the bottom of the wave, or the wave crashing onto the beach?
[Cancer patients will understand this sidebar.]

The solution for lies is always the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth.
It is achieved by adding in the missing parts or correcting the exaggerated parts.
Thus, the truth will set you free.

So, lies are true, but not completely true (like the lottery ticket).
That is why I can never win an argument with a lie.

3. The False Narrative is False!

A private view of the imposter syndrome when everything you know is at stake.
Sometimes it is just hard to feel worthy of getting well when doctors say you won’t.
[Cancer patients will also understand this.]

We are all called to transcend our stories of every moment we have lived
once we start to live in the present moment and refuse to budge.

This when we finally realize that there will never be a moment when it is not ‘NOW.’
There will never be a time when it is not now.
Now is the only time there is. [Yes, I said it three times.]

“-tomorrow is our permanent address
and there they’ll scarcely find us (if they do,
we’ll move away still further: into now”
E.E. Cummings

This is when the only answer is “know.”
Knowing the truth about myself.
Not the falsehoods.
Not the opinions.
Not the past.

This freedom, this wisdom is only available in the present moment of now.
Keep uniting the mind and breath until the peace that passes all understanding appears,
that is when you realize that you must be ‘present’ to win!

We are not imposters, but our lower egoic mind is.

4. Feeling worthy of getting well from illnesses that statistics would deny…

is not an easy climb.

Nobody can climb a smooth mountain, so the nooks and crannies are my allies.
They hurt and they help.

Worthiness made me start pondering the deeper meanings of Destiny, Fate, and Fortune

Destiny has a sense of reaching somewhere we unavoidably have to reach.

Fate is like bumping into some unavoidable phenomenon or event that is not necessarily the place we must reach.

Fortune means being able to reap only the desirable portions of our karmas. Because of our good and bad karmas, both fortune and misfortune walk into our life. Unless we are blessed with the power of discrimination, inner strength, patience, and self- confidence, we are shaken by that which appears to be unfortunate. We lose our equilibrium, unless we learn to doubt our doubts.

Things that I am not aware of will control me
until I learn about them and how to control and cultivate them.
Once I take control of guiding my body-mind complex,
then I become the architect of my life and create the world I wish to live in.
This week I have made this my sole/soul focus.

There is more to unpack.
I will save it for another day.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — Buckminster Fuller


Terri and Blair
Fear is selfish.
Courage is selfless.

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