Things I finally realized, Mrs. Lincoln & I, Tidbits I am chewing on July 26

Here are some things that took me a long time to understand

1. We are part of the problem

​I used to say, ‘if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.’
Now I realize that we must acknowledge that we are part of the problem, in order to be part of the solution.

Selfishness will not solve.
Isolation will not cure.
For things to get better, participation is required.

Try these three on for size and comfort:

1. Accept Responsibility for Everything Bad and Good – this awakens our planetary identity as people of this earth. The true heart of compassion is the heart of all hearts – both the divine and the devilish, the pure and impure.
Unconditional love embraces all without any limitations/conditions.

2. Eliminate the Urge to Blame Others – this eliminates the tendency for us to look pure, innocent, or righteous. The desire to create or maintain a reputation of being good is not that same as being one who actually does good.
Many times ‘right action’ that leads to sustainability and long-term survival of the culture requires actions that appear inconsistent with social norms and political correctness.

3. Never Declare that Someone Else is the Cause of a Problem – especially when it is true.
The claim of victimhood is useless.

When we can see everyone as a victim, then no one is a victim. Blame will not help. Playing the role of the victim – especially when it is true – will also not help. Transforming from victim to victor is not about revenge, it is about making our world work again.

Then what happens…
Once we no longer focus on who is at fault, we can direct all of our energy on prevention, repair and recovery. Fixing and moving forward with wisdom-guided intentions is the call to duty.

When bad things happen in our cities and homes, blame is never part of the cure.
Blame is more than lame, it keeps hatred and anger alive.

As global citizens, we accept full responsibility
for all that works and all the fails
and strive for positive sustainability.
This is a skill everyone can learn.

But first can we agree that…
We are part of the problem?

2. Mrs. Lincoln and I

There is an old joke that may have been a funny form of inquiry
for a person having a tough time.

The punchline is:
Besides that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? I have adopted this line as a quick escape
from questions I do not care to answer.
When asked on tough days, my reply is:
Just ask me, “how was the play?”

3. Here are some tidbits that I am chewing on…

while I am solving puzzles in my heart-filled head. Especially treatment plans & risks.

• The Karma of Dharma
Karma means actions, their reactions and how they change our life.
Dharma means doing your duties in a manner that sustains and uplifts our world.

• I Knew That!
Why do we believe it is so important to claim that we already knew something that our best friend, colleague or customer is sharing with us?
Remember our own joy in sharing something new?
Why are we so eager to kill that joy in others?
Never pass up on opportunity to celebrate the wins of others! You do it for a 4 year old,
why not for everyone?

• Can You really make me Mad?
How to cultivate the fertile ground for empathy instead of jealousy.
When curiosity and courage overpower righteousness and rage,
then new best friends are birthed right in front of you, even while on Zoom!

• Taming the Beast and Disarming the Triggers – bullies, bullets and bad words.
When we disconnect from our own heart, rude armies come rushing and gushing in.
Lao Tzu said that ‘thorn bushes spring up wherever the army has passed.’
The cost of winning is greater than dollars and property acquisition.
Maybe the Beatles were right, ‘Love is all there is.’

• Fire Storms of Love
The friction of our body and breath in motion can help us burn through fear, doubt, sadness and shame with the flame of compassionate action.
It can begin with a rhythmic nasal breath or smooth gentle contractions of our tummy called the ‘abdominal lift’ (agni sara).

[Spoiler Alert: For us patients, this next one can be a little triggering,
unless you also look for the goodness within…]

• When Our Issues get into Our Tissues
Bodyworkers know that the tightness of our tissues can be directly related to the issues that we are struggling with. ‘Muscle Memory’ is more than mechanical habits.
Our tissues retain memories of our shortcomings and losses.

However, I am learning that those very same physiological messengers in our tissues can also be couriers of joy and connection of our happy days. Joyful issues can also be found in our tissues.
I have to remember to look for them. Activate them. Enjoy them.
Maybe, you too?


Terri and Blair

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Fear is selfish.
Courage is selfless.

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